How to Make Money Blogging

How to Make Money Blogging:

a lot of people try to make money blogging and a lot of people fail at trying to make money blogging and a reason is they are following the wrong process in this Article I'm going to share with you the four steps that I use in every one of my money-making blogs and we're starting right now what is up my name is Hardik welcome to another Article 
if this is your first time here and you want to make money online not just a little bit of money but a lot of money be sure to hit that waste too much time we're gonna jump right into these four amazingly simple tips number one choose an interest or a niche your interest or your niche can literally be about whatever you want 

I like to recommend to people that you choose something that you are interested in passionate about or at least want to learn more about the reason being is you're going to be creating a lot of content on that particular subject if your niche or your interest is in something that you're actually interested in then when you do the research is not going to seem like work it's going to seem like 
you just researching a hobby and then being able to take that information and then place it onto a blog another thing to watch out for is not to get stuck in that particular spot of trying to choose a niche one thing that I see a lot of my students do is they get paralysis by analysis they're always researching this or researching this niche trying to figure out 
what to do what to make money on when the best thing that you can do is find something you're interested in and roll with it so I recommend one day maybe two max trying to find a good interest to start your website about as an example I enjoy online marketing and teaching people how to build their own blogs and make money online and that's what Benji's dad's youtube channel is about it is also what my blog is about over at Benji's dad calm so you see that when I talk about it gosh you know I really do enjoy the subject so when I do the research when I'm putting it together this great blog post or trying to put together YouTube videos just like this one I actually enjoy doing it so that's kind of what you want to think about when you're trying to come up with your own interest or niche for your future website step number two build a website now there's two things about this 
I want to go over number one your website is going to be the foundation of your business it's where everyone is going to funnel to at some particular point in time this is regardless of you having a Facebook page or a YouTube page or Pinterest or however else you're going to be promoting your website your website your own personal branded website it's where people are going to find you 
so it's very important that you have a nicely built website another good thing about having your own website is the fact that your website belongs to you and no one else so a lot of those other platforms that we were just talking about they can make little tweaks to their search engines or tweaks to the way that your page shows up in search engines and all of a sudden you're the people coming to your website could completely die however with your own website 

you have something that you have full control over and no one can mess with it other than yourself so having your own website is definitely crucial so that you can start making money blogging online so when building your website you need two main things you need to buy a domain and you need to buy hosting so when it comes to buying a domain there are a few rules that you should follow to make sure you have the most effective domain name possible you can check out the steps that I use in the video right there I show you exactly the steps that 
I use when I create almost any one of my websites so that you can make sure you have a nice effective easy to say easy to pronounce domain name and then you also want to be sure that you have good hosting do not skimp on the hosting there's a lot of places out there that will offer you hosting for a penny or a nickel you know kind of be wary you get what you pay for when it comes to hosting so you know and when I say you know don't skimp on the hosting I'm not saying go out there and buy a twenty thirty dollar a month a hosting plan I mean get something that might be seven or eight dollars a month which is very very affordable in fact down in the description I have one of my recommendations that 
I use for hosting my website so be sure to go
check it out down in the description the number two thing I want to point out is contrary to popular belief building a website is not very difficult at all with the advent of applications such as WordPress or Wix or any of these places that really make it very simple to kind of drag and drop and create your own websites literally anyone can do it with a little effort put forth to try to learn the process and then once you have it it's there being able to 
create websites are very very simple the number three step is you need to attract visitors to your website now attracting visitors to your website is also called getting traffic to your website so simply to kind of break down what traffic means traffic is just people in fact you watching this video right now you are traffic to this video so a key fundamental principle that I wanted to make sure that you guys understand is that where there is traffic there is money to be made so always do your best to get as much traffic as possible to your website so 

how do you draw people to your website what is a few ways in which you can do it you can do free traffic or you can do pay traffic free traffic by far is my favorite way to get people to my website because it's immediately profitable because you didn't have to spend anything to get the people there it does take a little longer however but it is very very lucrative as soon as you get it to the point to where traffic is flooding to your sites by the thousands the number one way to get free traffic to your site has got to be blogging blogging is one of the most effective ways to draw people to your site the best way to get the most amount of sales onto your website is to attract people 

who are already interested in buying so you don't have to necessarily go out and find people because people find you based on the information that you put into your blog so now since you have chosen an interest you've built a website and now you've attracted visitors to that website it is now time to earn revenue on that website remember our number one marketing principle that where there are people there is money to be made so now it's time to monetize that traffic and the best way to monetize that traffic in my opinion will be through the use of a simple method called affiliate marketing 
affiliate marketing basically is you referring people to other businesses online and when they make a purchase you get a commission from it but affiliate marketing is not the only way that you can earn revenue on to your website there are over fifty ways that you can really earn money from your website which includes selling banner ads or just regular as through Google creating your own products even brand deals now brand deals is probably one of my favorite because what you can do is once your site regularly you now have bargaining power when you go to other places other companies and say 
hey I'll write a review about your particular product if you can give me you know X amount of dollars sometimes you can negotiate twenty five hundred five thousand dollars for one video or for one blog post onto your website but it all comes with getting traffic to your site and attracting those visitors as we talked about in Step three but in my opinion the most passive way of doing it is by utilizing affiliate marketing because you don't have to worry about keeping the product or shipping it or even having to deal with returns you get paid simply by referring people to the other website now everything that we just went over can be a little complicated when you look at it individually however there is a step by step training that I've put together just for you guys that you can take advantage of right here right now and 

it's over at Benji's dad com that's Benji's dad dot-com there again I have a free video series that I've put together where you can make money blogging simply by following the step by step process a mentor and an accountability coach so be sure to go check it out over at Benji STATCOM I'll be sure to put a link down in the description now remember in our attractive visitors step where we talked about writing good effective blog posts that answers people's questions in fact I've put together a video right there that will show you the exact process that I use to create a perfect blog post so be sure to go check it out in the card so now I throw it to you what have you done to build your business today be sure to let me know down in the comments if you have any questions or comments from me please let me know I am here to help each and every one of you build your own money-making blog online all you have to do is ask so comments please be. Thanks...
